Latin Law idioms
The Legal profession has always used Latin Idioms for their wording.
Here are some of the more common ones even used today in many documents et arguments.
Also included are Common Latin phrases used for many situations.
Also included are Common Latin phrases used for many situations.
I acquit
ab uno disce omnes
from one example learn all
abusus non tollit usum
misuse does not nullify proper use
ad eundem gradum
to the same degree
adhuc sub iudice lis est
the case is still before the court
ad limina apostolorum
to the highest authority
ad litteram
to the last jot (to the letter of the law
ad quod damnum
to what damage
ad referendum
for further consideration
ad rem
to the matter at hand
ad unum omnes
ad utrumque paratus
prepared for the worst
adversus solem ne loquitor
don't argue the obvious
(don't speak against the sun)
ad vitam
for life
ad vitam aut culpam
for life or until a misdeed
advocatus diaboli
devil's advocate
alea iacta est
the die is cast
alieni iuris
subject to another's authority
a mensa et toro
a legal separation
amicus curiae
friend of the court
a posteriori
from effect to cause
a priori
from what is already known
a quo
from which
to illuminate or clarify
argumentum ad auctoritate
a proof derived from authority
argumentum ad crumenam
an appeal based on money
argumentum ad rem
a relevant argument
arte perire sua
to trip oneself up
audi alteram partem
hear the other side of question
a vinculo matrimonii
an absolute divorce
corpus iuris
body of law
items to be corrected
alea iacta est
the die is cast
alieni iuris
subject to another's authority
a mensa et toro
a legal separation
amicus curiae
friend of the court
a posteriori
from effect to cause
a priori
from what is already known
a quo
from which
to illuminate or clarify
argumentum ad auctoritate
a proof derived from authority
argumentum ad crumenam
an appeal based on money
argumentum ad rem
a relevant argument
arte perire sua
to trip oneself up
audi alteram partem
hear the other side of question
a vinculo matrimonii
an absolute divorce
corpus iuris
body of law
items to be corrected
cui bono? cum privilegio
who stands to gain with privilege
currente calamo custos morum
with pen running on a censor
damnum absque iniuria de facto
no basis for a lawsuit in reality
de iure de minimis non curat lex
sanctioned by law the law does not concern itself with trifles
de pilo pendet dirigo
reaching a critical stage I direct
dixi dura lex sed lex
I have spoken - matter settled the law is hard, but it is the law
ecce signum e contrario
look at the proof on the contrary
ergo et ux.
therefore and wife
ex aequo et bono ex more
according to what is just et good according to custom
ex officio ex parte
by virtue of an office from one side only
ex post facto ex proprio motu
after the fact of one's own accord
iustitia fiat ruat caelum grammatici certant
let justice be done, come what may case is still before the court
habeas corpus Hannibal ad portas
you may have the body danger - (wolf is at the gates)
haud ignota loquor hic et nunc
I speak the obvious here and now
ignis fatuus ignorantia legis neminem excusat
misleading fire or trail ignorance of the law is no excuse
in absentia in camera
in one's absence in chambers - private
in extenso in flagrante delicto
word for word caught in-the-act
in situ in tempore opportuno
in it's natural place at the opportune time
inter alia inter nos
among other persons between ourselves
in toto intra vires
entirely within the powers
ipisissima verba ipse dixit
verbatim an unsupported assertion
ipso facto ius ars boni et adqui est
by that very fact law is the art of the good and just
iustitia omnibus lapsus calami
justice for all slip of the pen
lex loci lex non scripta
law of the place the unwritten law
lis sub iudice loco citato
case not yet decided in the place cited
locus delicti locus in quo
scene of the crime the place in question
locus sigilli lucri cause
place of the seal for the sake of gain
male fide mala in se
in bad faith inherently bad
malo animo mandamus
with evil intent we command
manu propria me iudice
with one's own hand in my opinion
modus operandi mortis causa
manner of working in prospect of death
mutatis mutandis mutato nomine
after making necessary charges with the name changed
nemine contradicente nihil obstat
no one contradicting nothing stands in the way
nolo contendere non bis in idem
I do not wish to contend not twice for the same thing
non obstante non placet
notwithstanding it does not please - nay
non sequitur nota bene
it does not follow take notice
notatu dignum nudum pactum
worthy of note an invalid agreement
obiit sine prole obiter dictum
died without issue incidental remark
onus probandi pace tua
the burden of proof with your permission
pari ratione particeps criminis
by equally valid reasoning an accomplice
paucis verbis pedente lite
in brief while the suit is pending
per contra per fas et nefas
on the contrary justly or unjustly
periculum in mora petitio principii
danger in delay begging the question
post hoc ergo propter hoc pro forma
therefore because of this as a formality
punctatim qua
point for point in the capacity of
quere verum quantum
seek the truth as much
quid faciendum? quo animo?
what's to be done? with what intention?
quod erat demonstrandum quod erat faciendum
which was to be demonstrated which was to be done
quo iure? quot homines tot sententiae
by what right? complete lack of agreement
radit usque ad cutem rebus sic stantibus
he drives a hard bargain as matters stand
reductio ad absurdum res in cardine est
reduction to absurdity we are facing a crisis
res inter alios res ipsa loquitur
no concern of ours the thing speaks for itself
salus mundi salus ubi multi consiliarii
the welfare of the world a place of inviolable privacy
semper idem sequitur
always the same it follows
seriatim sesquipedalia verba
in series oppressively long words
sic si fecisti nega!
seek - thus stonewall!
sigillum silent leges enim inter arma
a seal laws are silent in the midst of war
sine die sine loco et anno
without a date without place and date
sine mora sine qua non
without delay without which not
sine praeiudicio socius criminis
without predjudice a partner in crime
sponte sua status quo
of one's own accord as is
stet sub iudice
let it stand - end of discussion before the courts
sub poena sub quocunque titulo
under penalty under whatever title
sub rose summum bonum
under the rose - secretly the highest good
summum ius summa iniuria suo iure
extreme law, extreme injustice in its own right
suo tempore tabula rasa
at its own time clean slate
tam facti quam animi telum imbelle sine ictu
as much in deed as intention an ineffectual argument
tenax propositi terra incognita
resolute unknown territory
testis unus, testis nullus totidem verbis
one witness, no witness in so many words
toto caelo ultima ratio
diametrically opposite final argument
ultra vires ut infra
beyond legal authority as cited below
variorum vel caeco appareat
of various persons it's obvious
verba volant, scripta manent versus
get it down on paper against
vinculum matrimonii vollenti non fit iniuria
the bonds of matrimony there is no injury to the willing
vox et praeterea nihil ut supra
empty words as cited above
ut infra incipit
as cited below here begins
Common Latin Idioms
Common Latin Idioms
ab asino lanam ab imo pectore
blood from a stone from the heart
ab intra ab irato
from within unfair, unprovoked
absit invidia absit omen
no offense intended may this not be an omen
acta est fabula ad astra per aspera
the story has been told, it's over to the stars through adversity
ad calendas graecas ad hoc
never! (when hell freezes over) for this purpose
ad infinitum ad nauseam
on and on and on to point of nausea
ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora adsum!
a bird in the hand is better than in bush present!
ad vitam aeternam aegrescit medendo
forever the remedy is worse than the disease
aequam servare mentem aeternum vale
to keep one's cool goodbye forever
a fronte praecipitium a terego lupi age quod agis
between a rock and a hard place pay attention what you are doing
albae gallinae filius alea iacta est
son of a white hen (lucky guy) the die is cast (Ceasar crossing the Rubicon)
alere flammam aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus
to feed the fire flying on one's own wings
alter ego altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi
best friend deepest rivers flow silently
amantes amentes sunt a maximis ad minima
lovers are nuts from greatest to least
amicus usque ad aras amor vincit omnia
a friend to the end love conquers all
anguis in herba animis opibussque parati
snake in the grass ready for anything
anno Domini apage Satanas
year of our Lord get thee behind me Satan
aqua vitae arbiter elegantiae
water of Life (whiskey) authority in matters of taste
arcanum arcanorum arrectis auribus
secret of secrets with ears pricked up (on alert)
ars celare artem est ars gratis artis
true art conceals its own methods art for art's sake
ars longa vita brevis artes perditae
art is long, live brief lost arts
asinus asinum fricat auctor ignotus
one fool rubs the other's back unknown writer
fortuna iuvat audaces aureo hamo piscari
fortune favors the brave to fish with golden hook (money talks)
auri sacra fames aut bibat aut abeat
money-mad you're either for or against us
aut Caesar aut nihil aut disce aut discede
all or nothing either learn or leave
ave atque vale a verbis ad verbera
hail and farewell from words to blows
beatae memoriae beati pacifici
of blessed memory blessed are the peacemakers
bis dat qui cito dat bis vivit qui bene
he gives twice who gives quickly he lives twice who lives well
bona fide cacoethes carpendi
in good faith a mania for finding fault
caput mortuum caritas
worthless residue or person (skull) love, charity
carpe diem caveat emptor
seize the day let the buyer beware
cave canem cognito ergo sum
beware of dog I think, therefore, I am
confiteor credo quia absurdum est
I confess I believe because it is unreasonable
cum grano salis curae leves loquuntur ingentes stupent
with a grain of salt minor losses can be discussed, profound ones leave us dumb
damnant quod non intelligunt de asini umbra disceptare
they damn what is they don't fathem to quarrel over trifles
de gustibus non disputandum est dei gratia
there is no accounting for taste by the Grace of God
delirium tremens de minimis non praetor curat
the d.t.'s don't bother me with petty matters
de mortuis nihil nisi bonum de nihilo nihil
speak kindly of the dead nothing comes from nothing
de novo deo gratias
anew - fresh start thanks to God
deo volente de profundis
God willing from out of the depths
deus vobiscum diem ex die
God be with you day after day
dies irae divide et impera
day of wrath divide and conquer
docendo discimus dramatis personae
we learn by teaching cast of characters
vis tecum vis tecum
Force be with you Force by with you
dum spiro spero dum tacent clamant
while I breathe, I hope they shout by their silence
ecce homo emeritus
behold the man having served his time
e pluribus unum errare humanum est
out of many, one to err is human
esse quam videri etiam atque etiam
to be rather than to seem again and again
et nunc et semper excelsior
now and always ever upwards
exitus acta probat ex mero motu
the end justifys the means out of pure impulse
experto credite facilis descensus averno
trust me the descent into hell is easy
facta non verba fama volat
action not words rumors fly
fames optimum condimentum fata obstant
hunger is the best seasoning fate wills otherwise
favete linguis felicitas habet multos amicos
hold your tongue prosperity has many friends
felix qui nihil debet felic qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
happy is he who owes nothing he who knows the causes of things is fortunate
festina lente fiat lux
make haste slowly let there be light
finem respice fronti nulla fides
look to the end no faith in appearances
hora fugit gaudeamus igitur
time flies therefore let us be rejoice
genius loci hoc age!
guardian spirit of a place get with it!
hoc opus hic labor est hodie mihi cras tibi
this is the tough part me today you tomorrow
homo doctus in se semper divitias habet horresco referns
a learned man always will have wealth within himself I shudder to relate
ignis aurum probat miseria fortess viros ignis fatuus
fire tests gold, adversity brave men fickle fire
in extremis incipit
at point of death here begins
in loco parentis in medias res
in place of parent middle of things
in naturalibus in rerum natura
stark naked nature of things
insalutato hospite instar omnium
leave in a great hurry worth all of them
intelligenti pauca inter nos
small word enough for a wise man between us
inter pares inter pocula
between equals over drinks
inter se intra muras
between themselves within the walls
in transitu in utrumque paratus
on the way come what may
in vacuo in vino veritas
in a vacuum in wine the truth
invita Minerva ipse quidem pretium virtus sibi
uninspired virtue is its own reward
lapsus linguae laus deo
slip of the tongue praise God
licentia vatum macte virtute
poetic license well done!
magis mutus quam piscis magister dixit
silent as the grave the master has spoken
magnum opus maior e longinquo reverentia
one's great work no man is a hero to his valet
malis avibus manibus pedibusque
bad sign hand and foot
mare clausum margaritas ante porcos
closed sea pearls before swine
mea culpa medice cura te ipsum
I am to blame (my bad) physician heal thyself
mendacem memorem esse oportet minima de malis
liars should have good memories choose lesser of two evils
mirabile visu misericordia
wonderful to behold mercy (classic plea)
mox nox in rem multum in parvo
let's get on with it! much in little
ne cede malis ne Aesopum quidem trivit
yield not to misfortunes he doesn't know anything
nemo repente fuit turpissimus nil desperandum
no one becomes wicked suddenly never say die
nil nisi bonum nil novi sub sole
nothing unless good nothing new under the sun
noli me tangere nolo contendere
touch me not no contest
non erat his locus non tanti est
that was inappropriate no big deal
non ignara mali miseris succurrere disco non possumus
been there done that no way!
non semper erit aestas nosce te ipsum
it will not always be summer know thyself
nulli secundus nullius filius
second to none no one's son - a bastard
nunc aut nunquam nunc bibendum est
now or never cocktail hour
obsta principiis occasionem cognosce
nip it in the bud strike while the iron is hot
odi et amo oleo tranquillior
I love and I hate smother than oil
oleum addere camino oleum perdisti
to make bad things worse you've wasted your time
amor omnis vincit omne ignotum pro magnifico est
love conquers all distance makes more wonderful
opus magnum labora et ora
a great work - masterpiece work and pray
origo mali O si sic omnia
origin of evil O if all were thus
O tempora! O mores! paete non dolet
O the times! O the morals! (Cicero) don't worry it won't hurt
pallida mors panem et circenses
pale death bread and circuses
pares cum paribus par pari refero
birds of a feather tit for tat
passim pecuniae obediunt omnia
here and there all things yield to money
per ardus ad astra per incuriam
through hardships to the stars through carelessness
per minas permitte divis certera
by threats leave the rest to the gods
per se persons non grata
by or in itself an unacceptable person
pessimum genus innimicorum laudantes placet
flatters are the worst enemies it pleases
poeta nascitur no fit pollice verso
a poet is born not made thumbs down
possunt quia p osse videntur post festum venisti
appearance of power bestows power too late!
praemonitus praemunitus praestat sero quam nunquam
forwarned, forarmed better late than never
proprio motu proprium humani igenii est odisse quem laeseris
by one's own power its human nature to hate a person you have injured
prosit Punica fides
l'chaim treachery
quae nocent docent qualis pater talis filius
things that hurt...teach like father like son
quare impedit? quid nova?
why is he fighting us what's new?
nunc quid? me amat, amat canem meam
now what? love me, love my dog
qui tacet consentit qui timide rogat docent negare
silence implies concent he who asks timidly invites refusal
quod cito accquiritur cito perit quomodo vales?
easy come easy go how are yo?
quo vadis? rem acu tetigisti
wither goest thou? right on!
remis velisque requiescat in pace
giving one's best rest in peace
ruat caelum salve!
though the heavens fall hail! (hello)
sanctum sanctorum sero venientibus ossa
holy of holies (inviolable private place) too late!
si sic omnes sit tibi terra levis
if only it could last forever may earth light upon you
spolis opima stans pede in uno
how sweet it is effortlessly
si vis pacem para bellum sponte sua
if you want peace prepare for war of one's own accord
sua cuique voluptas sumptus censum ne superet
to each his own live within your means
supremum vale suum cuique pulchrum
farewell for the last time love is blind
tacent satis laudant tacet
silence is praise enough be silent
tantere ulcus tempus abire tibi est
to touch a sore it is time for you to go away
tenere lupum auribus te nosce
to hold the wolf by the ears know thyself
timeo Danaos et dona ferentes timeo hominem unius libri
beware Greeks bearing gifts I fear the man of one book
tu quoque ubi mel ibi apes
you too honey attracts bees
ultima forsan ultima Thule
it's later than you think end of the world
una salus victis nullam ssperare salutem unguibus et rostro
knowing there is no hope can give with all one's might
one courage to fight and win
usus promptos facit ut fata trahunt
practice makes perfect at the mercy of fate
vade in pace vade mecum
go in peace walk with me
vae victis vale
it's tough to be a loser farewell
valete ac plaudite vanitas vanitatum omnis vanitas
let's hear it for the cast vanity vanity all is vanity
velis et remis veni, vidi, vici
all-out effort I came, I saw, I conquered (Caesar)
verbum sat sapienti veritas
a word too the wise truth
veritas odium parit via
truth breeds hatred a way
vi et armis vigilate et orate
by force of arms watch and pray
veritas vincit viri infelicis procul amici
truth conquers success attracts many friends
virtus probata florescit vis consili expers mole ruit sua
grace under pressure discretion is the better part of valor
vivat vivere parvo
live long to live on little
volens et potens volente Deo
willing and able God willing
vox clamantis in deserto vulneratus non victus
voice crying in the wilderness bloodied but unbowed
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